Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 19: One Texas Rancher’s Journey to Carbon Capturing

One Texas Rancher's Journey to Carbon Capturing

Let’s start this new year with a new podcast episode featuring Northern Texas Rancher, Steve Rapp and his dedicated Agoro Carbon Grower Success Agronomist, Shawntel Ervin. Steve grew up in Texas and is also a mixed animal practitioner. He took over his family farm (est. 1922) where they raise cattle, cotton, wheat, and canola; he […]

Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 18: Soil Stratification’s Role in the Ag Carbon Market

Soil Stratification’s Role in the Ag Carbon Market Let’s zoom in on a specific and very crucial stage of the ag carbon credit generation process – the role of soil stratification. First off, what is soil stratification or also referred to as “soil strata?” Well, here is a little preview:Soil stratification is the process of […]