Ag Carbon Podcast: Life After Signing a Carbon Contract with Kyle Henry
Life After Signing a Carbon Contract with Kyle Henry We sat down with Kyle Henry, an Ohio rancher, who is also an Agoro Carbon Alliance member. We chat about the early onboarding process from a rancher’s perspective to help others understand what exactly happens after a carbon contract is signed. He transports us to Uhrichsville, […]
Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 13: Nitrogen in the Carbon Market
This week we borrowed Markus Braaten, Market Development Manager of Digital Agronomy, from our parent company: Yara International. Yara is a respected global leader in soil fertility solutions. Markus discusses alongside Agoro Carbon’s Science Agronomist, Seth Urbanowitz, the topic of Nitrogen (N) use efficiency and the role of Nitrogen in the carbon market. Together they cover […]
Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 12: Carbon Opportunities in Iowa
In this episode we welcome Alejandro Plastina, Associate Professor of Economics at Iowa State University alongside his former student and our Cornbelt Carbon Cropping Manager, Clay Craighton. Dr. Alejandro Plastina specializes in agricultural production and technology, with an emphasis on farm business and financial management. His research focuses on the socioeconomic drivers of conservation practices, voluntary pest […]