Carbon Farming Podcast Ep. 16: Generating Ag Carbon Credits with Legumes

Generating Ag Carbon Credits with Legumes

Iowa-based Agronomist and Strategic Accounts Manager, Clay Craighton, joins us to chat through the newest way farmers can get involved in the ag carbon market – and it’s all about generating ag carbon credits by cover cropping with legumes. Cover crops improve soil health and help keep carbon “locked in” to our soil. In this […]

Generate Ag Carbon Credits By Diversifying Your Cover Crops With Legumes

Cover Cropping with Legumes The use of cover crops has been a practice many producers have used over the years. From planting grasses to even wheat, many benefits have risen. Cover crops have proven to improve soil health, promote water infiltration, and reduce erosion. However, one of the main impacts of cover crops is keeping […]

Circle of Friends for Soil Health

If we have healthy soil, we have healthy crops, livestock, and people. DENTON, Neb. – There’s a homemade frame with quotes hanging in the entryway next to the door of Brian Brhel’s farmhouse near Denton, Neb. Inside the frame are photos of grazing cattle and golden fields of crops. Surrounding the photos are quotes, among them is […]